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How and where do you build a support network if you don't have any family living nearby? It depends on where you live and what your community has to offer. Before you had a little one, it was probably so easy to get up and go. Now, everything must be scheduled around naps, errands, meal times and the outing must be baby friendly.
Hey, Mama! Whether you are an expecting first time mom, a mother of 5, working, or stay at home, we all know that the role of mama includes a huge variety of responsibilities. That’s why we wanted to have a place dedicated to helping you work smart in your everyday life. Here you’ll find a […]
Why should you listen to me? Simply because my baby didn’t sleep. It might sound counter-intuitive but if you are getting sleep tips from anyone, it should be from someone whose baby was not a naturally good sleeper. First, for those of you struggling with your little one’s sleep who have friends with a baby […]
When it came to preparing for my first birth, I wanted to read, watch, and know as much as possible to help myself prepare and cope with this life changing event. I took books out of the library, read endless blogs, attended prenatal classes and a birth class. Now looking back, the one resource that […]
You now have access to the following printables: Download: Happy Birthday Chalkboard Fonts Download: First Birthday Chalkboard Template Read more about this template and how to install these fonts: First Birthday Chalkboard Template: Free Download for Baby's First Birthday Download Printable: Ovulation Tracker Read more about this tracker: 9 Tips for Couples Trying to Conceive Baby Sleep […]
My favorite breastfeeding course is Simply Breastfeeding. It was made by Cindy and Jana, two registered nurses and Lactation Consultants. After breastfeeding for over 18 months, I can tell you for certain, having both me and my husband be informed on breastfeeding basics, the benefits, and how he could help before baby was paramount to […]
Are you looking for an expecting affiliate, a pregnancy affiliate or breastfeeding affiliate? Look no further. Our Nesting Planner includes three different options and price points which makes it perfect for pregnant women at any stage in their pregnancy. Our Breastfeeding Handbook is great for women who want to learn about breastfeeding while pregnant or […]
When I took a childbirth class with my husband while we were preparing for N’s arrival, I found it to be informative and helpful, but I remember feeling disappointed that only one out of our five sessions included any kind of labor strategies and coping mechanisms. I now realize that this wasn’t the fault of […]
I’m pregnant with my second child and due in late July 2018 and I want to share my pregnancy journey with you. Unlike during my first pregnancy, I’m blogging this time around so what better way to document the experience than with baby bump week by week photos and weekly pregnancy updates! Everything I’ve read […]
Welcome, Mama! We are so excited to be a part of your journey to motherhood Whether you are trying to conceive or are just a few weeks away from birth, we have a ton of great content to help you feel more confident and better prepared for birth and life with a new baby. BUMP SMART EMAIL SERIES Most of the […]
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