Homemade Peach and Coconut Baby Food Recipes

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
July 11, 2024
two fresh coconut

Coconut is most commonly used in baby food recipes to substitute milk or cream. Coconut has its own subtle yet tropical flavor that mixes perfectly with peach. If your baby is a fan of peach or coconut then you have nothing to lose by trying these delicious baby food recipes.

Remember, always consult with your pediatrician before introducing your baby to new foods and recipes.

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Coconut and Peach Grill

Coconut milk adds a subtle, yet exotic flavor to this otherwise standard baby treat.


  • 1 peach (peeled, pitted and diced)
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • (optional) 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon


  1. Heat coconut oil in a pan over high heat.
  2. Once the oil has heated, reduce to medium heat and add the peaches.
  3. Cook peaches for 8 minutes or until soft and tender (your baby should be easily able to swash the peaches with his gums).
  4. Remove from heat and, if desired, add cinnamon and stir through.
  5. Once cooled you can either serve to your baby as is or puree in a food processor for a smoother consistency.

Bonus Tip: If you are looking to mix this recipe up, add a dusting of cinnamon powder to the finished product (if your baby likes the taste).

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person holding white ceramic bowl with halved coconut

Peach and Coconut Baby Pudding

A sweet and creamy taste sensation for your little baby or a delicious treat for you. This baby food recipe takes longer to prepare than the simpler ones and should be avoided if you are in a rush.


  • 2 peaches (peeled, pitted and cut into chunks)
  • 1 1/4 cups of coconut milk or cream (divided)
  • 3/4 cups of jasmine rice
  • 2 cups of filtered water
  • Apple juice
  • (optional) 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla essence


  1. Add peaches and a small amount of apple juice to the pan and bring to heat.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave for 3 - 5 minutes or until peaches soft and tender.
  3. Leave peaches to the side to cool.
  4. Bring water to boil in a saucepan and stir rice in.
  5. Reduce to a low heat, cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.
  6. Drain any remaining water and add 3/4 of a cup of coconut milk. Cover on medium heat and cook for 15 - 20 minutes or until thick and creamy.
  7. Stir in remaining coconut milk and stir constantly for a further 2 minutes.
  8. Remove milky rice from the stove.
  9. Squash the peaches you left to the side with a fork and stir into the rice pudding. Vanilla essence is added at this stage.
  10. Can be served warm or cool.

Bonus Tip: Rice too runny? Add a beaten egg to step 7 to not only thicken but add extra nutrients as well.

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Peach and coconut ice cream

A delicious summer treat for both you and your baby.


  • 4 peaches (pitted and diced)
  • 1 cup full fat coconut milk
  • Grape Juice


  1. Place the diced peach into a saucepan, cover with grape juice.
  2. Bring to medium heat. Once they peaches start to bubble, reduce to low heat, stirring every 2 minutes for 15 minutes.
  3. Place peaches in a blender (or puree appliance of choice) blend until the puree consistency is smooth.
  4. Add coconut to pureed peaches and blend well.
  5. Place mixture in a stainless steel bowl and leave in the freezer.
  6. Using a spoon or an immersion blender, mix the mixture every 30 - 45 minutes, making sure to scrape the sides. continue until desired ice cream consistency has been reached ( generally takes 3 - 4 hours).
  7. Ice cream can be now be served or stored in the freezer. If it gets too hard, thaw at room temperature or defrost in the microwave.

You can skip steps 5 & 6 by using an ice cream maker and use manufacturer instructions.

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Person feeding baby

Peach and Coconut Baby Oatmeal

Coconut milk adds a subtle exotic flavor to this otherwise standard baby treat.


  • 1/2 peach (peeled, pitted and sliced)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 1/4 coconut milk


  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to boil.
  2. Cook for 8 - 10 minutes stirring occasionally until the majority of coconut milk has been cooked out and peaches are soft and tender.
  3. Puree in food processor and leave to cool.
  4. Serve to your baby as is.
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Peach and coconut monster smoothie

A great way to sneak vegetables into your babies diet. The grapes and peach provide a natural sweetness to the mixture, helping to combat the tartness of the spinach leaves.


  • 2 peaches (peeled, pitted and sliced)
  • 2 cups of sweet green grapes
  • 2 cups of fresh baby spinach leaves
  • 1 cup of coconut water (fresh from a baby coconut)
  • (optional) 1/2 a banana to sweeten (peeled)


  1. Combine spinach and coconut water in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add remaining fruits and blend again.
  3. Serve to your baby as is.

Bonus Tip: If you are lacking a fresh baby coconut, the coconut water can be substituted for filtered water.

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Baby sitting on high chair

Peach and coconut baby pop

Homemade popsicles are great. Nutritious, tasty, help keep your baby cool and can even be used to soothe your teething babies gums. but the best part is that these popsicles are super simple to make.


  • 2 peaches (peeled, pitted and sliced)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 cup coconut milk


  1. Add all ingredients to blender (or puree appliance of choice) and blend until a smooth consistency.
  2. Pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze overnight.
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Peach and coconut baby compote

This simple yet delicious mixture is multipurpose. It can be used as a mash, pureed, or mixed with oatmeal. A unique combination of flavors means that some babies will wholeheartedly disapprove of this recipe.


  • 3 peaches (peeled, pitted and thinly sliced)
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil
  • 4 tablespoons of grape juice
  • Zest of 1 small lemon
  • (Optional) 1 teaspoon of coconut flakes (unsweetened)
  • (Optional) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Combine oil and grape juice in a pan and heat on medium for 2 minutes or until mixture starts to bubble.
  2. Add peaches and sauté for 4 minutes. Stir until the peaches are cooked and the juices turn into a syrup.
  3. Add lemon zest and stir for a further minute or until zest has completely wilted.
  4. Leave to cool, mix through your cinnamon and coconut flakes if desired.
  5. Serve mashed or puree to make the mixture smoother.
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You may also like: Peach baby food recipes

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Do you know any homemade baby food recipes prominently featuring peach and coconut? If you have a recipe or modification you would love to share, leave it below.

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