Homemade Peach Baby Food Recipes: Simple Ones that You Can Do

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
March 29, 2024
Homemade Peach Baby Food Recipes

Peaches and allergies

Peach puree

Peaches are not considered to highly allergenic, making them a good choice as a first food for your baby.

It is worth keeping in mind that a latex allergy can go hand in hand with with a peach allergy. If there is a history of latex allergy in your family then you will need to carefully discuss with your doctor before introducing peach into your baby's diet.source: Latex & Fruit Study.

Peach Nutrition

Peach Nutrition

Peaches are high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A and contain a good amount of fiber. Peaches are known to be a natural laxative and are a great fruit to give to your baby if constipation has become a problem. On the flip side if your baby had diarrhea then peaches should be avoided as they can aggravate the situation.

A medium sized peach would contain the following approximates:



59 (248 kJ)

Vitamin A488 IUPotassium285 mg
Water133 gVitamin B-60.038 mg


31 mg
Protein1.37 gVitamin C9.9 g


13 mg
fat0.37 gVitamin K3.8 µgCalcium9 mg
Fiber2.2 gFolate5 µgIron

0.37 mg

Sugars12.58 gNiacin

1.21 mg


0.25 mg

Source: Release 26 of the USDA National Nutrient Database - Common Measure for a peach weighing 150g with a 2-2/3"circumference.

How to select the perfect peach for baby food


Peaches do not actually ripen once they have been picked. Instead, they will soften and go mushy, but will never develop that peachy flavor.

You want the exterior of the peach to be smooth and free of wrinkles and bruises. A pronounced crease should be present. Look for peaches with an even yellow color and avoid peaches with green undertones. Keep an eye out for peaches with small tan circles as these are an early sign of decay.

The surface of the peach should be firm yet yield slightly when pressed with a finger or thumb.

A peach that is ready to eat will be fragrant and smell, for lack of a better word, peachy.

Peaches come into season in Summer. Buying fresh ion this period will yield the highest quality and most affordable peaches. Frozen peaches are a more viable option in the remaining seasons as peaches store incredibly well at freezing temperatures.

Caution: If you are purchasing frozen peaches, be sure to choose a brand that is free of added sweeteners.

How to Store your peaches

How to Store your peaches

If your peaches are a little hard, you can leave them day or two to soften at room temperature. Storing ripe peaches in the refrigerator will slow down the softening process and will keep for three to five days.

Like with all fruit and vegetables it is best to buy

Quickly and easily peel peach for baby food

Quickly and easily peel peach for baby food

Peaches have surprisingly touch skin for how soft and mushy they are. To get peaches to a state where they can quickly be turned into baby food you will need to remove the skin.

It is suggested that you remove the skin for babies under 8 months of age. This allows for easier digestion. If you have been feeding your baby without peeling then there is no reason to begin peeling now

Fortunately, removing the peach skin is a quick and simple process.

  1. Wash your peaches under cool running water and dry.
  2. Cut a shallow "X" into the surface of the peach skin, each cut should be any longer than 2 Inches
  3. Bring water to boil in a medium saucepan and add peaches to the water for roughly 45 seconds.
  4. With a slotted spoon, remove the peaches and immediately submerge the peaches into a bowl of cold water.
  5. After the peach has been submerged, tear at the skin where the "X" was cut with your fingers. The skin of the peach should easily pull away from the flesh under neath.
  6. Remove the pit of the peach

At this point you can freeze your peaches for later use or immediately go on to make your desired baby food.

Yummy and simple peach baby food recipes

Peach puree.

Peaches and allergies

There are a number of ways to make a peach puree, the simplest is using the peach preparation technique mentioned above. If you would prefer to cook your you have a few options before you proceed to pureeing your peaches.

Remember, some fruits and vegetables taste a little different once they have been cooked. Peaches are one fruit that can sour through the cooking process.

If you are going to cook the peaches, consider keeping the skin and stones intact. This helps the peach retain its natural sweetness through the cooking process.




1. Cut fruit into halves.

1. Clean fruit and carve an X into the skin.1. Bring 4 cups of water to boil.
2. Place flat side down into tray with 1 inch of water.2. Place X down into a pan with 1 inch of water.2. Add peaches and boil for 3 - 5 minutes.
3. Bake at 400F until soft and tender.3. Bring to boil and steam until soft.3. Remove and allow to cool.
4. Peel skin and remove pits.4. Peel and pit peach.4. Remove peach skin and pit.
5. Move onto pureeing.5. Move onto pureeing.5. Move onto pureeing.
Arrow pointing down and right

Green Down pointing arrow

green Arrow pointing down and left


1. Keep water left from cooking method over to thin the peach puree if needed.

2. Place fruits into your food processor (or preferred appiance) and begin pureeing.

3. If too thick, add left over water to smooth and thin out the peach puree.

4. If too thin add cereal to thicken up.

And there you have it, a plain yet tasty puree that is healthy for your baby.

Other Peach Baby food recipes

Have you discovered that your baby absolutely loves the taste of peach? Why not try your hand at these additional peach recipes, providing your baby with a bit of variety in his diet while maintaining that peachy flavor.

Raw Peach Baby Food Recipes

Chilled Peaches

Chilled Peaches

Peel and cut peach into segments and place in a freezer bag into the freezer. Give them to your baby when teething. The coolness of the frozen peach will help reduce the inflammation and soothe the pain of your baby's gums.

Dusty Peach

Dusty Peach

Peel and Pit a juicy ripe peach and cut into cubes. Lightly dust the peach cubes with cinnamon. If you baby doesn't like the strong flavor of cinnamon you can simply replace it with wheat germ.

Peach Cereal

Peach Cereal

Peel and pit a juicy ripe peach and cut into cubes. Stir the peach into cooked rice cereal or oatmeal. The fresh peach can also be replaced with peach puree if desired.

Peach Tropicana

Peach Tropicana

Peel and pit peach and mash together with a banana. Add a blob of coconut cream and mix together thoroughly.

Cheesy Peach Dip

Cheesy Peach Dip

Peal and pit peach and mash with cottage cheese for a sweet but healthy dairy hit.

Some of our favorite Peach baby food recipes:

Remember; Always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing any foods to your baby and discuss any foods that may pose an allergy risk.

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