
8 Sleep Tips You Haven't Tried Yet

8 Sleep tips you haven’t tried yet? You are probably thinking "no, I have tried everything". Maybe you have, I know that is how I felt. Well during my search to exhaust the internet of every trick and tip out there I've learned a thing or two, here is a list of all the sleep tips and the ages we used them at. I found these really helped but I had to really search the internet to find them.

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4 Month Sleep Regression? There’s a product for that

The Magic Merlin Sleepsuit is great for transitioning your baby from swaddles to a crib and can help you overcome the 4 month sleep regression.

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How I Got my Baby to Nap Independently Using These 5 Tips

In the early days sleep can be hard to come by, and if you were like me, you take it in whatever form you can get.  Often with N, this meant that all of her daytime snoozing was done on the warm and comfortable chest of mom or dad, latched on for a ‘boob snooze’, or in some kind of baby wearing device (for me this was my beloved Baby K’tan).  Now don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade those teeny-tiny baby snuggles for the world.  Is there anything better than having a newborn sleep in your arms or while tightly wrapped to your chest?  But after a few weeks, or months, go by you realize that your baby will only nap with another warm human body. These ‘snuggle naps’ are important for bonding between mom and baby, and maybe even more important for bonding with dad.  I want to emphasize that you can and should indulge in these naps in the early days, but at a certain point you realize that you want to support your baby in napping independently, and furthermore, you want that independent nap to have some length to it.

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200 amazing uses for coconut oil How I Helped My Newborn Take Longer Independent Naps

Short naps are super frustrating, I have definitely been there.  I remember putting N down for a nap, attempting to scarf down some food while responding to a few text messages, thinking about what chores I wanted to try and accomplish when bam! Her adorable little cries would sound through the monitor and my half-eaten lunch would be left on the table for the dog...

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Why Is Baby Waking Up at Night? 10 Possible Reasons and What to do About It!

Why is baby waking up at night? Why won't baby sleep through the night? This article covers 10 reasons your little one might be waking up at night and gives you tips and ideas how to fix it.

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How to Navigate the Relationship between Breastfeeding and Sleep

Does your baby only fall asleep while nursing? This article examines the relationship between breastfeeding and sleep and gives ideas on how to break sleep associations (such as nursing) and overcome sleep regressions.

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How to discipline your child How I Set a Nap Schedule Based on Baby's Individualized Sleeping Needs

In order to have good sleep, your baby not only needs enough sleep but they also need to sleep at the correct times. This is so key, but it isn’t a one size fits all. Here, I will show you how easy it is to know and follow your child’s natural sleep schedule.

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How I Got my Baby to Sleep Independently (4-6 and 6-12 months)

Sleep is about to change A LOT, and it seems it is about to take a turn for the worst as the first sleep milestone is here at 4 months. Your baby will no longer be able to sleep anywhere or at any time. However, understanding how their sleep is changing and what you can do to help them is key for having baby take quality naps. Good naps equal a happy baby and a better night’s sleep.

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The Sleep Myth that Set Me Up for Failure

This sleep myth set me and my baby up for failure. This article talks about sleeping through the night, what that means, and how to get there. Also covered are common issues that might cause your baby to frequently wake throughout the night.

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The Perfect Baby Sleep Environment

Where should you start when you’re trying to get your baby to sleep well? Their sleep environment. You can solve a lot if you know how to create the ultimate setting for sleep.

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Baby Bedtime Routine: First Step to Nurturing a Good Sleeper

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is the first step to help your little one become a good sleeper. The entire routine should ideally be kept consistent night to night, able to be performed anywhere, and not last more than 45 minutes.

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Separation Anxiety Wreaked Havoc on my Baby's Sleep: How I Fixed It

Does your child have separation anxiety? Separation anxiety usually hits kids between 12-18 months and can wreak havoc on their sleep. Separation Anxiety hit L hard and I had to quickly learn how to overcome it so that her sleep could improve.

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