24 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump Update

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
April 17, 2024
24 weeks pregnant baby bump

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24 Weeks Pregnant Update

Baby is a: Cantaloupe

Weight gained: 2 lbs

Total Weight gained: 22 lbs

24 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: Uncomfortable! I have finally hit the stage where I always feel uncomfortable. And I am still one month away from the third trimester.

Cravings: Fresh raw fruits and veggies. I really have zero interest in anything cooked especially if it is very greasy. I’m also all about seltzer and lemon. I need some way to increase my water intake without drinking lots of sugary drinks. Seltzer with lemon is my go to!

Aversions: No aversions.

Sleep: I truly can’t stand turning. I am comfortable as long as I don’t want to flip. I also can’t sleep on my back anymore. It is not comfortable.

Excited for: My doctor’s appointment. As the due date approaches, I always find the appointments more exciting because they are focused on baby arriving. It always makes everything seem more real. I just hope this appointment isn’t the one where I have to do the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I really wasn't a fan of that last time.

Missing: The beginning of spring. It snowed yesterday! Not okay, as the day before I was able to wear a light jacket. I was starting to finally feel more comfortable with being able to wear spring/summer clothing and then more winter arrived.

Movement: This baby loves to move! I don’t remember L moving as much. Maybe she did, it is so crazy how fast you forget everything ☹ I always get a dance after eating something and when I'm trying to fall asleep at night.

Dr. Update: No

Exercise: No

Stretch Marks: No

Swelling: No

Maternity Clothing: Doing well with the maternity items I have except I really needed to invest in some good lounge/sleepwear items. I wanted them to work for now, at the hospital and for nursing. I went with two options from Figure 8 Maternity (this one and this one) that include robes with nursing tank tops and comfy pants. One even has a matching baby outfit! More on why I picked these for photography reasons below in how I am preparing this week.

Labor Signs: No

Wedding Rings On: Yes, but now they fit very well.

Belly Button In or Out: Out

How I’m Preparing: I was in the mood for a shopping spree, so I spent some time picking out a few nicer outfits for photoshoots. Knowing what I know from having L, I did not invest enough time into photography. Besides not checking that all the digitals were included, which is a must, I didn’t have anything to wear. Most packages include maternity, hospital and then at-home newborn sessions. I never got any professional maternity pictures the first time and regret it. I never had anyone come to the hospital to take photos and really regret that. You are now a family of three, how exciting! You will want photos of your new family. You also really want to get newborn photos along with family photos at your house.

For all of these, make sure you have good options!

These were my two must-haves:

A fantastic maternity dress that could also be worn after baby for photos. I decided on this one from Figure 8 Maternity. Absolutely love how this could be dressed up or down.

A cami/robe set for the hospital. I had nothing to wear at the hospital for photos. I suggest going with something like this to make the photos look more candid and real. I got this one and this one. I got two because I lived in these types of outfits for the first few months of nursing L. I also love how one comes with a baby outfit to match <3

Get an email each week on how you can prepare specific to your due date through our FREE bump smart course <3

Best Moment of the Week: Easter. L had a blast putting Easter eggs in her basket. Cole kept taking them out and re-hiding them without her noticing, so she could keep finding more eggs. She finally noticed and then fell apart because he “took” her eggs! She had a blast opening and closing them for hours.

24 weeks pregnant easter egg hunt

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