How to Pack the Perfect Hospital Bag and Prepare your Home in the Final Weeks Before Birth

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
February 25, 2024

As the countdown to your due date goes from months, to weeks, to days you are likely becoming filled to the brim with anticipation and desire to be completely ready for the big day. A key component to feeling ready for your baby’s birth is having a bag ready for the hospital.

Contents show

Your labor could begin at any point from about 35 weeks on, and I want to help you to pack a hospital bag that will ease the stress of getting to the hospital. Together, we can remove any ounce of doubt from your mind that you may have forgotten something.

In all honesty, I feel like the hospital bag I packed was sufficient. But I was missing items from home that would have made me feel a lot more comfortable and prepared for my stay.

hospital bag updated pin image

I took all of this into account when putting together this list for you. Don’t make the mistake I did by making your own list. Use this as a guide to be sure you will have everything that you need. In addition to getting that perfect bag packed for you, your partner and your baby, I have included ways to prepare your home in the final weeks. I will help you ensure that your home is stocked on essentials with a few fun things awaiting your baby’s transition back home as well.

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When to Pack your Hospital Bag

I recommend having your hospital bag fully packed and ready to go at 35 weeks. This is as long your pregnancy is progressing without complications and has a low-likelihood of early labor. You may even want to keep it in your car at this point, or at least bring it to prenatal appointments. This is because there is a chance that your doctor or midwife could send you directly to labor and delivery after an appointment from this point on.

By beginning the packing process at around 30 weeks, it will give you time to acquire and order some things that you may not have on hand. It will also mean that should your labor start before your due date, your bag will be ready to grab at a moment’s notice.

Why should I pack my hospital bag ahead of time?

When labor starts you do not want to be scrambling around to get your bag packed, or possibly worse (depending on your partner), relying on your partner to gather the things you may need.

Doing it while you are still feeling good, and when nesting instincts are working in your favor, will result in a more organized and complete hospital bag for everyone.

What to Pack in Hospital Bag for Mom

Labor and Delivery

When packing your bag for yourself, you need to consider what to pack for labor and delivery and during your postpartum stay. Some women find it helpful to actually pack these items in two separate bags. This way, you are not digging through unnecessary things in your hospital bag at different parts of your hospital stay.

Identification and Birth Plan

First and foremost, make sure that you have identification and an extra copy of your birth wishes/birth plan even if you already pre-registered with your hospital. If your hospital provided you with a birth plan template/worksheet, I still highly recommend learning more about the decisions you’ll need to make to get the most out of your birth plan.

We also created a thorough 5+ page birth plan that is included in the Nesting Planner. It will be the perfect resource to bring with you to make sure your partner and nurses understand your wishes. It also will serve you during your postpartum stay for organized note-taking and a place to jot down questions for support staff as they arise.

What should I wear during Labor?

While you are in labor, the hospital will provide you with a hospital gown but you are not required to wear it. I found that during my labor I was absolutely freezing, despite reading everywhere about how hot I would be. This meant that I labored in the one pair of fuzzy socks that I packed and relied on the hospital for heavier flannel dressing gowns.

For my next birth, I will be packing my warm, fuzzy robe just in case. Many women, including friends of mine, have felt more comfortable in light-weight cotton robes. Not only are these easy to move around in during labor, they are ideal for nursing your newborn postpartum.

Consider bringing your own labor gown

Another popular option is a “labor gown”, which isn’t quite as fancy as it sounds. A labor gown is a comfortable, slightly more stylish hospital gown. Here is one that I have my eye on. It is designed to provide easy access to your back, has snaps at the shoulders should it need to be undone quickly and has a discreet flap in the front to allow easy access for medical examinations and fetal monitoring. The reviews mention how soft and flattering it is.

For something slightly more traditional, but is cuter and provides more coverage than your average hospital gown, check this out. For some other great hospital gown options, consider also checking out Figure8 Maternity. The nice part about choosing a beautiful robe or labor gown of your own is that they will also look gorgeous in any labor and delivery photos that you may take.

I think it is also worthwhile to mention that many women find it most comfortable to labor nude, and this is completely normal if it feels best to you.

Remember that Labor may be messy and you may be in the shower

Additionally, during labor you may become sweaty, or if your water breaks while at the hospital, wet and messy. If you are planning to labor in your own clothes definitely consider having a back-up option.

Many women, including me, find laboring in a shower or tub to be really effective. When you get out, you will want a warm fluffy towel. Hospital towels are typically rough and thin. I know that I wish I had packed a towel from home to get dry and comfy quickly after getting out of the shower. You don’t want any added discomfort while you are in labor, believe me!

A Special Something for Inspiration

mama natural breathe bracelet

Something to empower you, remind you of your birth goals, whatever they are, and to make you feel strong! For me, this will be my special “Breathe” bracelet that I received from the Mama Natural Online Birth Course. While I didn’t have this the first time around, I know that some kind of visual inspiration will be so powerful.

I am now MUCH better prepared to succeed at having the natural birth I so desire in my next birth because of this class.  This memento will serve as a visual reminder that I am strong, I am capable, and I can achieve the birth I want.

Not familiar with Mama Natural? She is the natural birth queen, and her site is full of wonderful resources to support you in pregnancy, parenting, and living a natural life. I can’t say enough wonderful things about her FREE Mama Natural weekly pregnancy series. It’s full of natural tips and remedies for all of your discomfort, and helps to prepare you for a natural birth.

Should I wear contacts or glasses during labor?

If you are a contact lens wearer, I highly recommend bringing and opting for glasses during labor. I had to switch out of my lenses during my labor and was so glad that I had my glasses. I was much more comfortable. This is because you will be constantly opening and closing your eyes, in and out of water. You will possibly be dozing or closing your eyes for long periods of time to do visualizations and breathing strategies you learned.

Additionally, I felt like labor was a kind of daze anyway and didn’t find it prohibitive to not be able to see super clearly when I did not have my lenses in or glasses on.

What extra items do I need for Labor and Delivery?

Other things to consider are packing items that may be supportive to you during your labor such as lotions, massage oils, music, essential oils, coconut water for electrolytes and energy, a large water bottle, and chapstick. Because you will be doing heavy breathing, and may be quite vocal, chapstick is a must-have! I had Patrick handing it to me repeatedly throughout my labor.

I also found coconut water to be easier to stomach than Gatorade while giving me a bit more of energy boost than plain water and ice chips alone.

For added comfort, I wish I’d brought these things to the hospital

I wish I had brought my hot water bottle or a rice sock to warm-up. Because I was having back labor, which you can learn more about in my birth story, constant heat was really helpful, but the only way to achieve this once I was in the hospital was in the shower.

You should also check ahead of time to see if your hospital or birth center provides birthing balls and consider bringing your own if they do not.

Don’t forget some motivational items in your hospital bag

If you are planning to have a natural birth, a motivating picture can be helpful for some moms. This may be a picture of your family and other kids, an ultrasound photo, or photo of a beautiful and special place to you. If you are planning to have an epidural, then it is a good idea to bring some entertainment to pass the time such as a book, magazine, knitting, or movies.


For your postpartum stay, the most important thing is to bring comfy, cozy clothes that are going to be easy to nurse in. During my stay I lived in the light-weight cotton robe that I did pack. I am also a person who needs a daily shower, and did this in the hospital as well. Having lots of lightweight clean pajama pants packed made me feel more comfortable and like myself.

What clothes do I need in my hospital bag for my postpartum stay?

I recommend getting some that have a wide and soft waist band for ultimate postpartum comfort. While I didn’t personally use these, here is a robe and PJ nursing set that I’m loving on amazon. I love the fun print, and the fact that the top gives easy access for nursing. I lived in my lightweight cotton robe during my postpartum stay, but the one I have is not currently available.

I also purchased underwear specifically for recovery and recommend that you do the same. You will need underwear that can fit large maternity pads, and that you will not mind if they get stained with blood. Maternity underwear work really well because of their wide waistbands, I loved my Motherhood Maternity ones.

The other clothing I could not have gone without in the hospital were the nursing camis, and sleep nursing bras. If you plan on having visitors during your hospital stay, having a nursing cami will not only make nursing very easy and accessible, but also will provide your stomach with coverage and may make you feel more comfortable.

What comfort items do I need in my hospital bag for my postpartum stay?

Aside from clothing, be sure to pack things that will make you feel comfortable and at home like pillows, blankets, and a nursing pillow. You also want to pack a toiletry kit for showering, washing your face and other personal care.

I found it beneficial to have a few of my own maternity pads and witch hazel wipes. Definitely bring nipple cream with you, though the hospital may have some samples. Cracked and sore nipples are not something you want to be unprepared for while learning to breastfeed. I liked both lanolin nipple cream and this amazing Motherlove Nipple Cream.

Don’t forget resources and trackers

Other things to consider bringing are any resources that you may have printed, purchased, or obtained before your delivery. This may include things to support breastfeeding or newborn care. Our Breastfeeding Handbook, with included nursing and diaper trackers, will surely be helpful during your postpartum stay. It’s a quick reference guide to everything you need for breastfeeding success.

Going Home Outfit

Planning your going home outfit will depend a lot on season and your personality. I went home in maternity leggings, an over-sized t-shirt and a cute, loose and long cardigan. I wore flip flops on my feet. It was nice to feel semi-put together but also really comfortable. Some women like to wear maxi dresses or skirts, and some are most comfortable wearing their pajamas home. You do what’s right for you!

For me, maternity leggings with a long shirt over them worked really well because they were comfortable around my waist and they kept my large pad and underwear in place. Because I had the long shirt over it, you couldn’t see or notice the bulk at all. Whatever you decide, keep in mind that maternity clothes are a very good option because your stomach will still not have fully contracted. Remember that you may be swollen, so loose fitting shoes will work best.

Treat yourself to some great postpartum and nursing style!

If you are looking for some great postpartum and nursing style options, I suggest checking out Stitch Fix. As you probably discovered while shopping for maternity clothes, in-person options are hard to come by and even more difficult when it comes to nursing-friendly clothing. What’s great about Stitch Fix is that for a small styling fee they will send you five items of clothing to check out and try on. If you decide to keep even a single item, the fee is waived!

A stylist will work with you before sending you the five items so your odds of receiving something you like, and is within your desired price range, are really good. They have options specifically tailored to postpartum and nursing mamas as well.

This could be the perfect treat for yourself to plan a going home outfit that is comfortable and makes you feel good. Or, because if you’re reading this, it likely means you’re pregnant, so treat yourself to a maternity clothing fix, you deserve it! To learn more, head over to Stitch Fix, or check out some of the cute stuff Trina got in her first maternity fix by checking out her 8 weeks pregnant update.

Complete Hospital Bag for Mom:

Here is a complete list for the average labor + 3 day hospital stay:

  • Identification
  • Extra copy of your birth wishes/birth plan
  • Any breastfeeding/newborn printable resources
  • Labor Robe/Gown
  • Chapstick
  • Massage Oils or Lotion
  • Large Water Bottle
  • Coconut Oil
  • Hair Ties
  • Birthing Ball (check if provided)
  • 3-5 Pairs of comfy, loose pants for postpartum
  • 3 Nursing camis
  • 1-3 nursing bras
  • Light-weight robe or zip-up hoodie for nursing
  • 7 Pairs of maternity or recovery underwear
  • 3-5 Loose fitting shirts
  • 3-5 Pairs of socks
  • 1 Pair of warm socks
  • Slippers
  • Flip flops for shower
  • Toiletry bag:
    • Shampoo
    • Conditioner
    • Facewash
    • Body wash
    • Toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • Maternity or overnight pads
    • Witch Hazel Wipes or Spray
  • Pillow
  • Nursing Pillow (may be provided)
  • Towel
  • Blanket
  • Nipple Cream
  • Snacks for postpartum stay
  • Going home outfit and shoes

For a printable more complete version of this list. and a host of other organizational checklists and planning sheets to get you ready for birth, learn about the Nesting Planner.

What to Pack in Hospital Bag for Dad/Partner

I found it helpful to put Patrick in charge of all things electronic since these are likely things that you need to grab at the last minute. I had a notecard with all of the electronic items written and in my packed bag so that I could just give it to him as we were getting ready to leave. He was able to round up things like the camera, chargers, phones, laptops, wireless speaker, external hard drive and more.

A Push present for mom

Another nice idea is what’s known as a “push present”. This is a gift given to the birthing mother from their partner in the delivery room or during their postpartum stay. I absolutely love this idea and think it is so sweet. I had never heard of this when I was giving birth, but would have loved to have some memento to remember this extraordinary day. A little hint to your partner just might be in order 🙂

Complete Hospital Bag for Dad/Partner:

  • Clothing for 3-5 day stay
  • Warm sweatshirt
  • Snacks
  • Drinks
  • Laptop/iPad
  • Chargers
  • Camera
  • Entertainment/Music
  • Push Present

What to Pack in Hospital Bag for Baby

Most importantly you need to have an approved and properly installed car seat for bringing your baby home. You can install the car seat and have it checked to ensure proper installation. Usually, this can be done at your local fire station or town hall, call or check online with your town hall to find out where and when to get this done.

hospital bag

What’s a good going home outfit for baby?

You will want to plan a going home outfit for baby. When planning this, considering the weather is most important. I chose to make N an adorable, light-weight, knitted cap to wear home with a simple pretty t-shirt onesie. It was a very hot summer day.

Consider a special or personalized outfit

I have seen many friends make and purchase adorable custom outfits as well with their baby’s name or a cute saying. I am loving all of the options on Etsy! There are so many adorable choices that you are bound to find the perfect outfit for your new baby that fits your style. Next time around I will totally be ordering a special outfit, and maybe even something that will match with N.

I love the delicate and classic monogrammed options available in this shop. For a variety of fonts and options from onesies to swaddles and more this shop has some great choices and excellent reviews. And if you are wanting a special outfit but not necessarily something personalized (maybe you don’t have a name finalized yet!) Lola’s Sprout shop on Etsy has the cutest newborn outfits to fit your style.

What baby supplies do I need in my hospital bag?

Most hospitals will provide you with everything you need for baby. This is something that you will want to find out when choosing where to give birth, which you can read more about in my article about Choosing Where to Give Birth.

However, if you are particular about using certain blankets, diaper-type or will feel more comfortable using your own products then don’t hesitate to pack some of your own things. For example, our hospital provided size 1 diapers, but N definitely fit better in the newborn diapers that we had waiting for her at home.

I also was told by everyone that 0-3 month clothes were the way to go (and largely I do still agree with this!) but having one or two newborn size options for wearing home from the hospital would have benefited our long, but slim newborn.

What other things might I need for baby in my hospital bag?

Other things to consider are your wishes about cloth diapering, but be sure to check with the hospital or birth center about their policies for this. You should bring your baby book, and/or something to get your newborns foot print on. This is something I forgot to pack and so wish I hadn’t. I do have N’s prints on hospital letterhead, but it isn’t quite the same.

Check out what Trina and Cole did with their daughter’s footprint and make an Expecting Date Night out of it.

Complete Hospital Bag List for Baby:

  • Approved car seat
  • Receiving blankets
  • Going home outfit
  • Hat or bow
  • 2-3 body suits (in newborn and 0-3 month sizes)
  • Clothing diapering supplies (if applicable/check with hospital)
  • Newborn sized diapers (check with hospital)
  • Baby book
  • Burp cloths


There are a few other things that you may want to bring with you, but are dependent on your birth place and personal preference.

Think about lighting options available for labor and delivery

I have a friend who was really disappointed that she had no control over the lighting in her labor and delivery room and wound up under bright fluorescent lights the entire time.

The hospital where I delivered gave me control over lights and had many different lighting options, which I kept dim almost the entire time. That being said, check if it is possible to bring Christmas lights or a small dimmable lamp. It might sound strange, but it definitely won’t be the craziest labor request they have received and may make for a much more pleasant experience.

A place for notetaking, questions, tracking and paperwork

A pen, paper/notebook, and empty folder is a must. You will undoubtedly think of questions for support staff when they are unavailable to you. You will also want to take notes (or have your partner do this) while you are meeting with the nurses, pediatrician and lactation consultants on staff. Having an empty folder ready to go will mean that all of the handouts and paperwork you receive won’t go missing, get damaged, or be difficult to locate the moment you need them.

Hospital Door Hanger for your postpartum stay

Something I didn’t do, but saw while I was at the hospital on the door of another recovery room was a hospital door hanger that announced their baby’s birth. What an adorable idea! I really like the shabby chic look of this one, and the space to add personalization on these ones. For something a bit simpler and classic, check out this chalk board style one. Hospital door wreaths are also a cute option, check out the ones in this Etsy shop.

Throw an extra, empty bag in your hospital bag

Lastly, and something I wish I had done, bring an extra, empty, bag! You will be sent home with lots of extras. I ended up using a trash bag to bring home maternity pads, witch hazel wipes, size 1 diapers, and a few receiving blankets and burp cloths that they provided among other things. It would have been a lot more organized and better to have had a large tote ready for loading.

List of Extras:

  • Alternate Lighting
  • Pen and paper
  • Folder
  • Empty Tote Bag
  • Hospital Door Birth Announcement Sign/Wreath (optional)

Want help with packing your hospital bags and preparing for birth?

Creating organized checklists and utilizing planning sheets to keep all of your information handy is the best way to reduce stress and get completely prepared.

If you want some help with this, The Nest Smart Nesting Planner will help you prepare everything from your relationship and home to your hospital bag and birth wishes. Discover the joy of nesting and get super prepared today!

What to Prepare and Have at Home

Once you’ve got your bag packed and ready to go, this time frame is also ideal to making sure that you and your home are fully prepared. Think of it as an “abstract hospital bag”, if you will, that is waiting for you when you arrive home. All of these things are non-perishable household items or personal products that can be stocked up on well in advance.

The benefit to doing this kind of bulk shopping is that it will be less time needed for anything other than caring for your baby once they arrive. You and your partner’s time will be your most valuable resource. Any errands and food prepping that can be done ahead of time will, quite literally, save your sanity when you transition back home.

Household Products

For household products it is a good idea to have a stash of everyday things like paper towels, cleaning supplies, trash bags, dish soap, dish washer detergent and toilet paper. You should also be well-stocked on a sensitive skin, fragrance-free detergent for washing all of you and your baby’s clothes and linens. While there are many products and detergents out there specifically for baby, I found that any detergent meant for sensitive skin and fragrance-free was fine for your newborn.

I also recommend buying paper plates, disposable utensils, crock pot liners and paper napkins. Believe me, I’m normally all about reducing waste, but the weeks after arriving home with a new baby are the time where you need to be ready to cut yourself some slack and make your life easier in whatever way you can.

If you have furry friends at home, make a point of stocking up on food and whatever else they might need as well.


Definitely stock your pantry with non-perishable foods and healthy snacks such as granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, nuts, and healthy cereals. Breastfeeding hunger was far more intense than I could have ever anticipated. Having high-calorie and easy to grab snacks is key. In addition to non-perishables, the 30-35 week window of your pregnancy is the perfect time to stock your freezer with healthy meals ready to be dumped into a crockpot or baked in the oven.

How can I get my freezer stocked without dedicating days and days to cooking?

I absolutely swear by the easy and healthy crockpot freezer meals created by Kelly and her team at New Leaf Wellness. Even to this day, I do weekly or monthly meal prepping using her complete freezer bundle. They are so easy to make and will save you so much valuable time.

You don’t want to be caught up in cooking or relying on expensive, and not so healthy take-out to fuel you postpartum. I highly recommend giving your postpartum-self this gift of a freezer stocked with delicious and healthy meals. The Complete Freezer Recipe Bundle is the perfect resource that could not make the process easier! She even has pre-made grocery lists and plans to make up to 30 meals at once.

Personal Care

Be sure to have personal products on hand. This includes things that you typically use like toothpaste, shampoo, hand soap, bar soap, but also products that are going to be important to your recovery.

Postpartum Care Supplies

Post-care products include things like maternity or overnight pads, panty liners for when the bleeding has gone down dramatically but spotting remains, witch hazel wipes, and witch hazel based spray. For an exhaustive list of what do have on hand, check out my post on preparing a postpartum care kit.

I used this Sitz Spray from MotherLove that I absolutely loved. While I have not used every product in their Nurturing Life Giftbox, I have used the belly salve, sitz spray, and nipple cream and loved them all. This could be a great treat for yourself that will also ensure a more comfortable recovery for yourself.

Be sure to have nipple cream and a good quality hand or body lotion to help with skin itchiness you may have associated with your weight loss, retracting uterus, or expanding boobs when your milk comes in. I used a pure shea butter because my midwives advised me that this was safe to have on my skin and boobs for a nursing baby. I still use and love this today. Nursing is also very dehydrating, so it is likely that you will have dry lips, and dry skin from that as well.

Nursing Supplies and a Nursing Station

Breastfeeding your new baby will be your new full-time job. Instead of realizing what you need to make it more comfortable and easy for you as you go, take the time to prepare a well-equipped breastfeeding station for yourself in baby’s nursery, or a ‘breastfeeding basket’ that can be easily relocated (or grabbed by your partner) to wherever you are nursing your baby at that moment.

This basket should include things like burp cloths, a large water bottle, reusable nursing pads (I used and love these), nipple cream, snacks, and a good book or magazine. I recommend investing in a good insulated water bottle because when I was nursing all I wanted was ice cold water at all times. I love my S’well Water Bottle and think you will too.

Nursing Wear and Comfort Items

In addition to having this ‘station’ set up, there are some other nursing-related products to stock up on like nursing bras and camis, night nursing bras, and a nursing pillow. Because your body will still be learning to regulate milk and building supply during the first 3 months postpartum, you will likely have leaky and possibly sore boobs. One thing that can help prevent this, at least a bit, is by heaving light pressure on your nipples anytime they are not being nursed. This is why sleeping in a nursing cami or night bra will be key to your comfort.

Have Breastfeeding Resources at the Ready

To ensure your success in your breastfeeding relationship with your new baby, preparing before baby comes is very important. Trina has written an excellent Guide to Breastfeeding.

Additionally, you can better prepare for your breastfeeding journey and have you partner more involved in understanding their role to support with breastfeeding from Day 1 by watching these amazing video courses put together by two women who are certified lactation consultants and nurses.

Another great resource to learn about breastfeeding is one that Trina and I developed. We feel passionate about helping other new mamas thrive on their breastfeeding journeys. We both experienced firsthand how difficult it is to find support and information that gives specific tips and advice to make breastfeeding successful. Learn more about the breastfeeding handbook today.

Lastly, don’t miss out on learning about breastfeeding before baby arrives. Enroll in our FREE breastfeeding course designed especially for breastfeeding mamas.

Extras for your home

In addition to all of these essentials, having some fun things awaiting your arrival are important too! Consider getting a birth announcement sign for your yard or a birth announcement wreath for your door. Again, Etsy is totally the go to place for these things. I am having so much fun browsing around choosing a door wreath as a gift for an expecting friend of mine. I’ve got my eye on this one because it’s steel construction will make it perfect for outdoor use.

When N was born we did put a balloon on the mailbox that said “It’s a Girl”, I was surprised at what a positive response and reaction it got. Every mail and delivery person gave me big congratulations and we received a few cards and small gifts from neighbors who we don’t even necessarily know very well because they noticed the balloon. Something about the arrival of a new baby really does just bring joy to all. Next time around, I will definitely be getting a yard sign or personalized flag to hang on our door or next to our mailbox like this one.

Extra things to make home a little cozier

Maybe treat yourself to a new set of extra-soft sheets and blankets for your bed where you will likely be spending a lot of time nursing your baby. You can also get yourself some luxurious bath products for a soothing postpartum bath when baby is snoozing on dad. My sister-in-law loved the Birth Song Botanicals Healing Herb Sitz Bath and Soak for soothing postpartum hemorrhoids.

Plan for birth announcements ahead of time

Obviously, you won’t be able to order your birth announcement ahead of time, but having a plan in mind is a good idea! I never got my act together to send out birth announcements for N because I hadn’t chosen something ahead of time. I just didn’t understand how wrapped up and consumed by a newborn I would be.

Take the time to browse birth announcements now, then all you’ll have to do is go on the site and input birth information and a picture.

Complete List to Prepare your Home:

  • Household
    • Paper Towels
    • Toilet Paper
    • Dishwasher Detergent
    • Dish soap
    • Paper Plates
    • Disposable Utensils
    • Napkins
    • Sensitive Skin, Fragrance-free Laundry Detergent
    • Pet Food
  • Food
    • Snacks
    • Pantry Items
    • Freezer Meals
  • Personal
    • Hand Soap
    • Body Wash
    • Shampoo/Conditioner
    • Face Wash
    • Lotion
  • Postpartum Care
    • Maternity or Overnight Pads
    • Panty Liners
    • Witch Hazel Wipes
    • Sitz Spray
    • Nipple Cream
    • Shea Butter (or other high-quality moisturizer)
  • Nursing Supplies
    • Basket
    • Insulated Water Bottle
    • Reusable Nursing Pads
    • Nursing Night Bras
    • Nursing Cami
    • Nursing Pillow
  • Extras
    • Birth Announcement Sign
    • Birth Announcement Wreath
    • Post-Partum Bath Herbs
    • New Sheets and Blankets

After reading all of this advice you are ready to get even more organized for your baby’s arrival. By using this guide, you can rest assured that no preparation for your home will go undone. This will be invaluable to your comfort and will allow you to focus on your new baby during your hospital stay and during your transition to home.

Next Steps

There you have it. Everything you need to know to pack the perfect hospital bag and prepare your home for baby. Now that you’ll have all of the physical things packed and purchased for bringing baby home, it’s time to focus on your birth toolbox for labor and delivery.

While the physical items and care products are important, equipping yourself with knowledge, pain-coping strategies, and other laboring techniques is so important. So don’t wait, read more and start compiling your own toolbox for birth today!

It is also valuable to take some time out in the month before birth and really connect with your partner. We have some great and productive date ideas to inspire you in this article. For more ways to prepare as a team read, 9 Ways to Prepare Your Relationship for Baby.

Lastly, make sure you are fully prepared emotionally for birth by reading, How to Process your Birth and New Identity.

Thanks for reading! If you found this article helpful please share it on Pinterest and Facebook

hospital bag updated pin image

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