37 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump Update

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
June 17, 2024
37 weeks pregnant baby bump title image

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37 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump Update

Baby is a: Swiss Chard

Weight gained: 0 lbs

Total Weight gained: 46 lbs

37 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: Full term!! I keep waiting for any Braxton hicks contractions but nothing so far. I had absolutely no contractions with L until I was in labor. They started in the evening and by 2 AM we were on our way to the hospital. She then took forever to be born. I’m hoping this one is a little faster. Whenever I go out to run errands, I can’t get through a store without someone talking to me about baby and asking when I’m due.

Cravings: Watermelon and water. It’s definitely summer!

Aversions: No aversions .

Sleep: Sleep is great except for how exhausting rolling over is becoming. I feel like it takes me so much energy to flip now. I also must pee if I wake up, which is also exhausting.

Excited for: Being full term! And finally having some energy back. I started the iron pills last week and I already feel a difference. I make sure to take the iron in the morning and the prenatal pill at night so the calcium in the prenatal doesn’t block the absorption of the iron. I also changed the orange juice I drink in the morning to not have added calcium and vitamin D for the same reason.

Missing: Wearing shoes. I seriously can’t fit into any of my shoes except my flip flops.

Movement: Still moving a bunch but she is definitely running out of space. I feel like I only get movement in specific spots now because she can’t really move all over.

Dr. Update: My test came back positive for Strep B so this means antibiotics during labor. A positive test also usually means an extended stay for baby. This is usually around 48 hours post birth instead of 24 hours. The midwife told me they only keep baby for 48 hours after birth if they can not get 2 doses of antibiotics in during delivery. Therefore, going a little early to the hospital isn’t the worst idea as it might mean getting to go home earlier.

Exercise: No

Stretch Marks: No

Swelling: My hands and feet are swelling. I can not wait for this to go away after birth. My face even swelled with L so all of my photos in the hospital when L was born aren’t the most flattering. However, I am still very glad I have them! Definitely take the time to think of the photos you want before you go into labor.

Maternity Clothing: Does your husband’s clothing count? I have started wearing my husband’s shirts around the house because they are just so comfy. When I go out and about, I still make the effort to get dressed. I wear my usual maternity t-shirts and maternity overalls. My other go to for maternity and post-partum is Stitch Fix. Stitch Fix comes straight to my door and it is so hard to find good post-partum clothing that I don’t want to waste time searching thousands of stores.

Labor Signs: No

Wedding Rings On: No. They are off for good until post-partum.

Belly Button In or Out: OUT!

How I’m Preparing: We did a little more setting up. We set up a swing, a gym mat, and filled the diaper and nursing stations around the house. For an excellent list of how to set your house up, check out Alli’s guide to what to prepare to bring baby home.

By setting up everything now, we can better prepare L for her sister’s arrival. She loves to try out all of the items with her little baby doll. We also tell her it’s for her baby sister. While she might not fully understand what that means, I think it will help her when baby finally does arrive.

prepare toddler for new baby

Best Moment of the Week: Our area has a 4th of July parade which is just toddlers in wagons and big kids on bikes and scooters. N and L had a blast in the parade. They had absolutely no idea what was going on but loved it anyhow. Decorating wagons is not either of our strong suits but thankfully it didn’t matter to either of them.

37 weeks pregnant

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