35 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump Update

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
December 12, 2024
35 weeks pregnant baby bump update feature

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35 Weeks Pregnant Update

Baby is a: Romaine Lettuce

Weight gained: 1 lbs

Total Weight gained: 46 lbs

35 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms:  I am starting to get the pregnancy line, the linea nigra. Along with the darkening line, my freckles and spots on my skin have also picked up a lot of pigment. Not a fan but know it will go away just like last time.

Cravings: No cravings

Aversions: No aversions

Sleep: I have started prioritizing a quick 30 minute nap in the late afternoon on days Cole can be home and that is really helping.

Excited for: Planning L’s birthday. She will be 2 the first week of July but we won’t have her party till a week after. It is kind of crazy, but highly unlikely, that this baby could be born on the same day as L. L’s birthday and baby’s due date are 3 weeks apart.

Missing: Looking like myself. With swelling and this much weight, not to mention a big belly, I don’t feel or look like myself. I know it is short lived but I always worry just a little that I won’t be able to look like myself again. However, I know that with breastfeeding and just eating healthy, which I can do via freezer meals, I will lose the weight and get my body back.

Movement: I swear this baby must be way bigger than what the internet says baby is at 35 weeks. I am not sure how she can get any bigger. When she kicks and moves, which is all the time, she seems to be taking up ALL the space. I don’t remember L being this big. It is crazy to think she will be gaining a lot of weight in this last month.

Dr. Update: I had a regular check-up appointment. Blood pressure and baby’s heart rate are both good. Since I am 35 weeks and they like to test for Strep B at 36 weeks, I will have another appointment next week. Once I am 36 weeks, I will have an appointment every week until baby arrives. This made it all feel really real especially since baby can arrive early.

Exercise: No

Stretch Marks: No

Swelling: Yes. I don’t know if it is the hot weather or pregnancy, but my feet, face and hands are starting to swell.  By the time I had L, I swear I looked like I had my tonsils out. I am hoping this time around, it isn’t so extreme.

Maternity Clothing: Living in my maternity overalls from Motherhood Maternity because they are the most comfortable thing on earth right now. The best purchase by far! I’m in all maternity clothing, except my bras are all nursing bras. Investing in quality nursing bras is a must for being able to nurse. I’m starting to assess my postpartum wardrobe. For postpartum, my goal is comfortable, easy to nurse in clothing. However, I don’t want to be in pajamas all day. More on this next week.

Labor Signs: No

Wedding Rings On: No. They are off for good until post-partum.

Belly Button In or Out: OUT!

How I’m Preparing: I have compiled a mega shopping list to minimize shopping once baby arrives. Everything from nonperishable pantry items to household supplies. I will also be making sure I have all of the postpartum items I need such as maternity pads. I plan on doing the actual shopping this coming week. We have also ordered from amazon the non-glamourous baby items and grabbed a small pack of newborn diapers.

Lastly, we are installing the infant car seat this week. Since we are only 2 weeks from full term, which is 37 weeks, we want to be sure that we have the car seat ready to go.

Best Moment of the Week:  Father’s Day. We started the day with homemade cinnamon rolls and spent the rest of it outside enjoying the weather. During the week, we stopped in at the library for craft time and made Cole a Father’s Day card. No one means fun like dad to L and it has been fun over these two years to watch their relationship grow.

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