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Baby is a: Head of Lettuce
Weight gained: 2 lbs
Total Weight gained: 27 lbs
26 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: My freckles are starting to look like severe sun spots. This happened last time too. By the time I reached 40 weeks, I looked like I never cared for my skin in terms of sun exposure. Don’t worry if this is also happening to you. It all went away slowly over the first few months after baby was born. I guess your body starts producing pigment particularly on your boobs, so the nipple is higher contrast and easier to find. As a side result, your freckles and sun spots also darken a lot.
Cravings: Risotto. I have made it for lunch now three times this week. I usually don’t cook lunch and instead opt for something cold and easy to prep. However, nothing appeals except risotto with mushrooms and broccoli. Go figure.
Aversions: No aversions.
Sleep: I am always tired but still can’t sleep in. It might be time for me to adjust the time I go to bed with all of this waking up early.
Excited for: Starting to get baby gear ready for baby and fill in the gaps of what we still need. We have majority of what we need from L but there are still a few items I want to get beforehand.
Missing: With having a toddler, it’s a little impossible for Cole to come to all of my appointments. For L, he came to every single one. He has come to the majority of them but unfortunately had to miss the ultrasound this week. The tech took lots of pictures though!
Movement: Moving all the time. Movement is getting stronger and more all over the place. Baby is still horizontal, and I can tell from where all of the movement is. I feel I will know when she turns because when L was vertical I would get kicked in the ribs a lot.
Dr. Update: I had an ultrasound because baby was a pretzel during my 20 weeks one. Baby was in a really good spot to be able to see with the 4D technology, so the tech took some pictures. It is amazing what you can see. I got to see her little hands. You could even make out the fingernail. I could see her eyes, which are still shut, her nose, mouth, and even the umbilical cord.
Exercise: No
Stretch Marks: No
Swelling: No
Maternity Clothing: I’m in 100% maternity clothing as I have been for a few weeks now. I need to get some new maternity underwear as my current ones are starting to not fit.
Labor Signs: No
Wedding Rings On: No. They are off for good until post-partum.
Belly Button In or Out: Out. L thinks this is hilarious and likes to poke my belly button.
How I’m Preparing: We found a changing table at a garage sale. We will use it for a downstairs changing area. Having a changing station downstairs was such a necessity that we overlooked with L. We ended up just using the top of an existing furniture piece and making the first drawer a diaper supplies drawer. I would have done that again because it was free, and it would have worked well again if we hadn’t found a changing table at a good value. Toddler L thinks it works it’s pretty neat.
Best Moment of the Week: The ultrasound of course. Seeing baby move on the screen is just so much fun. As the third trimester is just around the corner and you start to feel really uncomfortable, seeing baby is a nice reminder of the exciting things to come!
Are you preparing for a baby also? Check out our Expecting section.
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