BundleBee Baby Wrap Review

Published by 
Jess Miller
Last updated: 
December 12, 2024
Brand new bundlebee baby wrap

Upon arrival, the BundleBee Swaddle looks impressive.

It’s big, fluffy, and packaged beautifully.

I had high hopes that I would love this swaddle. I wanted to love this swaddle.

And I do. In fact, I love it to bits.

With over nine different fabric options, the BundleBee is a gorgeously snug little pouch for your baby to snooze in.

But it isn't a swaddle

Bundelebee baby wrap and swaddle features

As you can see above, BundleBee insists on calling this a swaddle. The top line on the features card reads:

One of a kind swaddling wrap with built-in cushion for fragile back and neck support

But I honestly have a hard time calling the BundleBee a swaddle. It’s more of a foldable blanket.

And as a foldable blanket – it’s awesome.

But as a swaddle, it really misses the mark.

There are a few reasons that I didn’t care for the BundleBee as a Swaddle:

The BundleBee Baby Wrap is too bulky to be an effective swaddle

Bundlebee Baby wrap swaddle and bow fabric

It isn’t necessarily heavy in terms of weight, but it’s really thick. It feels like a comforter for your bed or a sleeping bag - not something you swaddle your baby in.

And there’s definitely no give or stretch in the material which makes snugly wrapping your baby impossible.

Plus, the back part of the swaddle is firm and pretty unbendable thanks to the coconut fiber support insert.

A nice feature in say, a mattress. Not what I want in my swaddle, though.

Swaddling with the BundleBee is more like folding a thick blanket over your baby – a blanket that closes with a small strip of Velcro.

Or, you can try securing the swaddle with the included strip of fabric by tying it around the outside of the BundleBee and making a pretty little bow.

But I don’t know how much security that tie would offer since I couldn’t attempt it with all the wriggling around that my little one was able to do in this bulky, loose swaddle.

Bundlebee baby wrap with bow tied around the front

But who wants a swaddle with unattached accessories to keep track of?

I’m pretty sure that strip of unattached fabric went missing five minutes after I opened the BundleBee.

Do you like to travel with your baby and keep them swaddled in their car seat or play swing? Well, you can forget about using this swaddle in a car seat or swing. Thanks to the bulk of it, it simply doesn’t fit!

Overall, the whole thing is just too darn big and bulky to be an effective swaddle.

The BundleBee Baby Wrap is too loose to be a swaddle

Bundlebee wrapped up with bow

My little one is a master when it comes to breaking out of swaddles – even the super snug swaddles with plenty of Velcro.

He really requires a zipper to stay swaddled throughout the night.

So, it’s no surprise that the BundleBee didn’t stand a chance against my little ninja.

I tried securing him in the BundleBee with his arms in.

HA! I don’t think his arms were inside that swaddle for more than a second.

Baby Boy swaddled in bundlebee baby wrap

The thing is – I like a swaddle that has some wiggle room for my baby’s arms and legs.

Swaddles that are too tight can force your baby’s legs to remain straight for hours on end. This can loosen joints and damage cartilage – resulting in major hip problems.

And if your baby is learning to self-soothe, which mine is, it’s helpful for them to be able to move their hands and arms around.

For these reasons, I prefer a swaddle that allows my baby to move around a bit - like the Woombie or the Love to Dream ‎SwaddleUp.

But the BundleBee simply allows for too much movement.

Which means it doesn’t help at all with my baby’s startle reflex or help him to feel safe & secure the same way a tighter fitting swaddle does.

Baby breaking free from bundlebee swaddle wrap

There aren’t even any size options with the BundleBee if you wanted to try and get a more snug fit.

It’s just a one-size-fits all product that is only recommended for babies under 25 lbs (roughly 0-4 months).

How can one swaddle be appropriate for both a 10 lb. baby and a 20 lb. baby?

In my opinion, it can’t. For my little one, the BundleBee is just too loose, making it an ineffective swaddle. Perhaps chubbier babies will have more success, but for the price you would want to justify using the BundleBee for as long a spossible... which brings me to my next point.

The BundleBee is too expensive to be used as a swaddle

Bundlebee Baby Wrap Swaddle Tag

Even though I’m on a tight budget, I’m always willing to splurge on a really amazing and useful baby product.

But the BundleBee simply isn’t one of them

Priced pretty high for a single BundleBee, this is one product that is simply too expensive if you are looking for a dedicated baby swaddle.

At this price, the BundleBee falls into the nice to have category, rather than being an essential baby purchase.

That being said, there are a few redeeming qualities that the BundleBee has. But only if you look at the BundleBee as a baby blanket, rather than a swaddle.

The BundleBee Baby Wrap doubles as a play mat

Bundlebee Baby wrap unfolded into baby play mat

I’m a big fan of multi-functional baby products. They can save you money and keep your house from being cluttered with baby stuff. After all, why would you buy two baby products when you can do the same with one?

While I am still not convinced of the BundleBee’s usefulness as a swaddle, it is the perfect size and weight for a little playmat.

You can un-fold it and lay it out on the floor when your little one wants some tummy time!

This is where the thickness and bulkiness of the BundleBee actually works as an advantage.

The thick padding keeps your baby protected from the dirt and grime on the floor and gives them a little bit of cushioning for playtime!

The BundleBee offers good cushioning and support

bundlebee baby wrap padded section

Perhaps the biggest appeal of the BundleeBee Baby Wrap is it’s ability to make it easy to pick up your blob-like baby in a single scoop.

Whether you are passing your newborn baby to your sister who has never had kids in her life, or you just have shaky hands, the BundleBee makes it easily to hold your squirming baby - all in a single, easy to carry package.

The coconut fiber insert on the back of the BundleBee offers a firm section that is designed to support the neck and head of your baby who cannot yet support his own head.

Even so, the bulkiness of the BundleBee makes it pretty awkward to carry your baby in for any length of time. But for temporarily picking up and moving your baby around, it definitely makes life easier.

The BundleBee is warm and cozy…. But not too warm

Cool and relaxed baby boy in bundlebee baby wrap swaddle

The BundleBee is made from 100% Cotton fabric and filled with lightweight hypoallergenic polyester stuffing, in addition to the coconut fiber padding that I mentioned above.

This combination of materials will keep your baby warm and cozy in the winter months without and while allowing air to circulate and cool your baby in the warmer summer months.

So as you can see, if you are not using the BundleBee as a swaddle, there is a lot to like.

But, if you’re looking for a swaddle that fits snuggly and mimics a womb-like experience for your baby, you won’t have to go far to find better options.

Do you use the BundleBee Baby Wrap to swaddle your baby? What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below!

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